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7 Kingdom

This is a fast and deep board game in which players are Lords of a Reign composed by 7 kingdoms. The Reign is under attack by enemies and players shall protect their own interests, and the kingdoms as well, by moving the characters and the armies. It includes an interesting solo set of rules.

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Players will have to accuse each other, creating accusations from the cards in their hands. Those who are called into question respond to the accusation, exceeding the attack score with their cards and creating a coherent defensive story. Who successfully manages to accuse a family member accumulates ALIBI points who reaches 10 points wins the…

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After a mission on Mars, you await the moon landing with trepidation. As usual androids are dismantled after their return, to prevent them from startingto suspect their nature…but thanks to a bug one of the androids understood his nature, he became aware of his forthcoming doom and decidedto act. He needs to understand if and…

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