7 Kingdom

This is a fast and deep board game in which players are Lords of a Reign composed by 7 kingdoms. The Reign is under attack by enemies and players shall protect their own interests, and the kingdoms as well, by moving the characters and the armies. It includes an interesting solo set of rules.

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Crossbluff is the game that allows players bluffing about their chance to have all the letters necessary to complete the declared word. Cards do not include just single letters, but also groups of letters and other options. The aim of the game is to create crosswords very similar to those in magazines. Players are rewarded…

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Fake News

In Fake News all players are dealing with the world of internet and social media. All main conspiracies are grouped into 8 main theories, and each player support one of them and oppose others. Players play to hide unfavorable news to their target and to support favorable news (or unfavorable to their opponents). The game…

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You are international thieves who have just carried out the robbery of the century, stealing the largest load of precious gems in history from a famous auction house. Returning to your lair, however, you cannot agree on the partition. To get out of the impasse, the boss offers you a solution: play it in a…

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After a mission on Mars, you await the moon landing with trepidation. As usual androids are dismantled after their return, to prevent them from startingto suspect their nature…but thanks to a bug one of the androids understood his nature, he became aware of his forthcoming doom and decidedto act. He needs to understand if and…

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Qubica is a search game inside of a labyrinth that recalls the fantastic architectures imagined by Escher. The free arrangement of towers, bridges, stairways and corridors creates ever-changing configurations. Each player controls a team of three Qubots, two Runners and a Triborg, in order to find their own Master Key which will allow them to…

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Rebis World

Is an experience of sharing your points of view. Players help each other develop a story by cards and aids at their disposal related to both the personality of the protagonist and de the development of the story. But in the story there are mysteries created by the players themeselves. Their solution allows yo to…

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Sabir is the name of the Lingua Franca that was used in the Mediterranean basin from the 11th to the 19th century. This is an engaging family plus game in which players are merchants in competition to sell goods to ships in a Mediterranean port during the 16th century

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Earn as many points as possible by chaining the cards to those on the game table in order to capture the most useful tokens. The points are obtained by adding the value of the tokens captured together with the number of cards played. The first player who runs out of cards in their possession determines…

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Players will have to accuse each other, creating accusations from the cards in their hands. Those who are called into question respond to the accusation, exceeding the attack score with their cards and creating a coherent defensive story. Who successfully manages to accuse a family member accumulates ALIBI points who reaches 10 points wins the…

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Widget is a funny marketing game. Players has to design and produce funny gadgets according to the requests of the market clusters. Players can affect the position of clusters on the market board representing the trade off between traditional and high tech and cheap and expensive as well. Players get points making gadgets that fulfill…

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WooM is an area control game in which each player represents one Corporation. Each of the nine tiles owned by each players represents a Mining Bot with its own territorial supremacy opposed to other Corporations’ ones. Each player must try to neutralize as many opposing Bots as possible whileprotecting his conquests. The situation can always…

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